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The right places to go sledging

As soon as the snow falls, we immediately want to take our children sledging. But those unfamiliar with our valley find it hard to think of a place with the right gradient, easy to reach and perhaps even in the sun. So here are some tips on the best places to go sledging!

There are two types of places to go sledging: the meadows where we used to go when we were kids, or fun Snowpark with a tapis roulant that takes you back to the top after each ride.

Sledging on meadows

1. Malga di Cloz

Malga di Cloz can be reached in just 20 minutes' walk on a pleasant, well-maintained forest track.The meadows that are used for pasture in summer are perfect for sledging in winter!

You can drive up to the Hofmand car park at the tunnels of the state road that connects Val di Non and Val d'Ultimo. From here, just follow the signs for Malga di Cloz.

2. Regole di Malosco

Regole di Malosco can be reached easily from the village of Ronzone or from the village of Malosco. It is a well-known and popular area in every season for walks in the woods and for its typical restaurants.

Here, there are many gentle slopes that end in large, flat meadows. Here two downhill slopes of around 50 metres are beaten. One is located in front of Hotel Ristorante Il Falchetto and the other is just beyond the Rifugio Regole.

They are wide, sloping meadows where the snowcat compacts the snow after every snowfall.

3. Doss da Spin

This is also a classic for the locals. When we were kids, we used to beat the track and then go sledging. Now at the top of this panoramic and sunny hill, a wide track is beaten and it connects the Solarium Restaurant to the Rifugio Predaia.

For sledging, we recommend reaching the top of this hill and taking the gentle slopes in the direction of Rifugio Predaia. The long track down towards the Solarium Restaurant is too long and steep for sledging.

4. Pradiei

The Pradiei are large fields of mostly flat meadows from Romeno to Fondo. Here there is a large loop of beaten snow for walking in winter and along this walk there are ramps with slopes suitable even for small children.

The most popular one is the descent on the left as soon as you enter the walk from the village of Fondo. The other slope that is also suitable for small children is at the end of the beaten track, not far from the helicopter pad.

5. Old slope in Cavareno

Above the village of Cavareno there is a beautiful meadow downhill where people used to ski thanks to a small ski lift. Although the lift was removed many years ago, this slope is still in the heart of the locals, who now bring their children here for sledging.

To get there, take viale Belvedere, the uphill road on the right at the traffic circle from Cavareno into the nearby village of Sarnonico. You come to a fork in the road at the Madonnina locality with a series of parking spaces. Continue past the car park towards an old wooden hut and right there this uphill meadow begins.

6. Malga di San Felice

In this case, it is a forest track that is not too steep and is beaten by the people of the village of San Felice and used for sledging in winter. The San Felice alpine hut can be reached on foot in around 45 minutes from the car park just above the village of San Felice. Just before arriving at the hut, continue straight on, following the 'Rodel' signs, and near a small hut, the 2.1-kilometre beaten forest track starts! Here you can find the map

7. Malga Boiara Bassa di Cles

These meadows are visited by locals living around Cles. They are located just above the Bersaglio locality behind an old malga. The sun is mostly here in the mornings and in the early afternoons it falls behind Monte Peller, which is behind the malga.

To get there from Cles, follow the signs for Monte Peller and walk for about 40 minutes. The paved road climbs to the large meadow at Bersaglio. Here you park your car and continue on foot along the paved road, which is clear of snow in the first section. At the first bend just above the car park, continue to the right in the direction of the Rifugio Peller. The road then makes a large bend and continues until you notice a beaten track on the left that goes down to the nearby Malga Boiara Bassa.

Beaten slopes for bobs and sledges with tapis roulant

In Val di Non, there are also slopes designed especially for sledging, which also have a tapis roulant that takes you back to the top of the slope after each ride:

Request information

To book


Val di Non Tourism Office
Via Roma, 21 - 38013 Borgo d'Anaunia TN

If you prefer a direct mail or talk to someone:
info@visitvaldinon.it - +39 0463 830133


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Foto e video

Per le immagini si ringraziano:

Francesca Padovan
Elisa Fedrizzi
Paolo Crocetta
Diego Marini
Elena Marini Silvestri
Gilberto Seppi
Giulia Stringari
IDM Südtirol
Tourismusverein Deutschnonsberg
Alex Filz
Hannes Niederkofler
Karlheinz Sollbauer
Georg Mair
Alessio Pellegrini
Andrea Pizzato
APT Trento, Bondone, Valle dei Laghi



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