An easy itinerary through the green woods straddling Trentino and South Tyrol interspersed by a break on the shores of Lake Tret where you can go for a refreshing dip during the summer months.
The absence of any challenging points, the harmony of the sections of trail or forest road that gently accompany the course of the land, sometimes narrow in a larch wood, others through vast meadows, the cool crystal-clear waters of Lake Tret, give this itinerary a familiar feel, making it ideal for an amble in the country or for a simple and quiet excursion.
The second part of the itinerary, from Lake Tret onwards, takes place on South Tyrolean soil: the woods and meadows you cross are all privately owned and used for pasture and hay making. So please keep to the trail at all times!
Anyone wishing to cut the itinerary short can return to the departure point by descending along trail marker 512 directly, which connects the lake to the car park.
Along the trail, not far from the lake, you’ll find Malga di San Felice and the Waldruhe Refuge. On your return, it is worth stopping at hotel Scoiattolo near the car park.