The big bench: the giant bench of Groppello

The Big Bench is an enormous bench with a breathtaking scenic impact. We all feel much smaller sitting up here and that’s exactly the point: we are meant to feel like children again, encouraged to look at our surroundings from a different perspective.

The Big Bench in the Val di Non is yellow, two and a half metres high and is located in the Municipality of Novella. It is just a 10-minute walk away from the square in the village of Romallo - just follow the signs.

This giant bench was commissioned by Silvia Tadiello and Pietro Pancheri from Cantina LasteRosse: it was donated to the community as a symbol of safeguarding all those small concerns that need to be protected. A large bench that symbolises all those products, all those traditions and places situated in a region with a fragile beauty.

The Cantina LasteRosse wine cellar is committed to growing and producing the ancient heroic wine made with Groppello vines and they are accompanied by another 3 family-run wineries engaged in enhancing the value of this particular wine.

That’s why the Big Bench number 132 is also referred to as the Groppello Bench: it is in fact located in a small and rare mountain vineyard whose grapes are used to make Groppello.

Click on this link for further information and curious facts www.bigbenchcommunityproject.org.

How to find us

La strada per la Panchina Gigante è un percorso breve di 10-15 minuti partendo a piedi dal centro del paese di Romallo, passeggiando per la campagna immersi nei meleti.
Partenza: Chiesa di Romallo o parcheggio libero dietro la Chiesa. Seguire i cartelli indicativi con le frecce direzionali per Panchina Gigante posizionati a lato della Chiesa e a sud del parcheggio.
Arrivo: Panchina Gigante n. 132 in via per San Biagio a Romallo.

For further information

Panchina gigante
Via per San Biagio ( How to find us )

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Val di Non Tourism Office
Via Roma, 21 - 38013 Borgo d'Anaunia TN

If you prefer a direct mail or talk to someone:
info@visitvaldinon.it - +39 0463 830133


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Sito Web ufficiale
Azienda per il Turismo Val di Non

Ringraziamo tutte le persone che hanno collaborato alla creazione di questo portale.

Concept, Design, Web

www.kumbe.it | info@kumbe.it 

Destination Management System

Il portale integra il DMS Deskline 3.0 per le funzionalità di prenotazione alloggi ed esperienze.

feratel media technologies
www.feratel.it | info@feratel.it 

Foto e video

Per le immagini si ringraziano:

Francesca Padovan
Elisa Fedrizzi
Paolo Crocetta
Diego Marini
Elena Marini Silvestri
Gilberto Seppi
Giulia Stringari
IDM Südtirol
Tourismusverein Deutschnonsberg
Alex Filz
Hannes Niederkofler
Karlheinz Sollbauer
Georg Mair
Alessio Pellegrini
Andrea Pizzato
APT Trento, Bondone, Valle dei Laghi



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