ScaccomattoStore - Borgo d'Anaunia Fondo
Via C.Battisti,16/A
Cell. +39 340 2253201
You can rent baby carrier backpacks, ferrata kits (composed of harness, set via ferrata and helmet. Both adult and child size), trekking and Nordic walking poles, Thule Chariot Lite 2 (lightweight stroller and trailer for bike or jogging, designed for everyday activities, with 1 or 2 seats), Thule Urban Glide 2 (lightweight, sleek design ideal for every type of ground, for moving around the city or for walks on your favourite route).
Montura Store Alpstation - Cles
Via Guglielmo Marconi 86
Tel. 0463 600312
You can rent baby carrier backpacks and pushchairs.