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San Romedio festival

The San Romedio Sanctuary is one of the most special places in the Val di Non. It has a unique atmosphere, one that is perhaps best experienced on 15 January, the day of the San Romedio festival.

One of the best-loved events in the Val di Non is the San Romedio festival. A celebration of the saint is held every year on 15 January at the Sanctuary. It is a special festival which actually begins in the days leading up to 15 January, when liturgies are celebrated, such as the traditional “pardoning of Sanzeno” at Sanzeno basilica. My favourite moment comes on the evening of 14 January with the “Cammino nella Notte” night-time procession. Just imagine hundreds of people walking side-by-side along the bottom of the San Romedio gorge with just the light of their torches. When they reach the Sanctuary, after a quiet moment for spiritual reflection, they all warm up together with hot tea or mulled wine. It all creates a truly magical atmosphere.
As I mentioned before, 15 January is the day devoted to the Saint, during which a mass is held. But there is a social side to things too. There is the pilgrim’s lunch, made from tripe, which everyone who attends the festival can enjoy in good.


Per informazioni:
Basilica SS. Martiri Sanzeno
tel. 0463 434134

How to find us

Via al Santuario, 17 38012 Frazione Tavon - Predaia (Trento) - Italy

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Val di Non Tourism Office
Via Roma, 21 - 38013 Borgo d'Anaunia TN

If you prefer a direct mail or talk to someone:
info@visitvaldinon.it - +39 0463 830133


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Azienda per il Turismo Val di Non

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www.kumbe.it | info@kumbe.it 

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Foto e video

Per le immagini si ringraziano:

Francesca Padovan
Elisa Fedrizzi
Paolo Crocetta
Diego Marini
Elena Marini Silvestri
Gilberto Seppi
Giulia Stringari
IDM Südtirol
Tourismusverein Deutschnonsberg
Alex Filz
Hannes Niederkofler
Karlheinz Sollbauer
Georg Mair
Alessio Pellegrini
Andrea Pizzato
APT Trento, Bondone, Valle dei Laghi



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