When should you come to the Val di Non? Lots of people ask me that and I always tell them to come in spring, in April. Why? Because that is when the apple trees are in blossom and everything here becomes a bit more magical.
The Val di Non is known as the valley of apples but in spring it could be called the valley of blossom. Because when the first warm days arrive, the blossom bursts into flower on the apple trees and turns the landscape snow white. It is as if the Val di Non is covered in a delicate blanket made of millions of white flowers.
In Japan, going to see the cherry blossom is an important custom called hanami. We don’t have a specific word for it but the spectacle is truly unique and I can promise you that walking through the orchards during the blossom season is one of my favourite things to do: a veritable explosion of colours and scents.
That is why if you are planning on coming to the Val di Non, I would recommend that you come in spring, when everything comes to life and changes colour. There is also a festival which celebrates this beautiful phenomenon, called Fiorinda! What are you waiting for? Come on!