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Mushroom picking

The sweet smell of the forest after rain, the crunch of the leaves under your feet, the animals who watch me silently and above all the satisfaction of finding a single one: what a joy it is to go mushroom picking!

Have you ever been? It is something I used to do with my father as a little girl and I still do it now with my own children. A carved wooden stick in one hand, a basket in the other, with little holes to all soil and spores to fall out, a pair of walking boots and it’s off into the woods!
I love searching through the leaves, shrubs, the earth and grass for these little treasures, finding just a single one is incredibly satisfying! The ones I most enjoy searching for are oyster mushrooms and I often find them when I least expect it! In the Val di Non you can find lots of different types of really tasty mushrooms, such as chanterelles, typically found in autumn, and parasol mushrooms which my children love cooked in breadcrumbs. But as a real lover of mushrooms I will never reveal where I find these little treasures!
Get yourself a permit and a basket and head off in search of the mushrooms!

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In un recente contesto di apertura di numerose falesie in valle grazie alla passione dei climbers locali, la falesia Mondino costituisce la più grande della Val di Non, ed è ancora in fase di sviluppo.


Request information

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Val di Non Tourism Office
Via Roma, 21 - 38013 Borgo d'Anaunia TN

If you prefer a direct mail or talk to someone:
info@visitvaldinon.it - +39 0463 830133


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Azienda per il Turismo Val di Non

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www.kumbe.it | info@kumbe.it 

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Foto e video

Per le immagini si ringraziano:

Francesca Padovan
Elisa Fedrizzi
Paolo Crocetta
Diego Marini
Elena Marini Silvestri
Gilberto Seppi
Giulia Stringari
IDM Südtirol
Tourismusverein Deutschnonsberg
Alex Filz
Hannes Niederkofler
Karlheinz Sollbauer
Georg Mair
Alessio Pellegrini
Andrea Pizzato
APT Trento, Bondone, Valle dei Laghi



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