Melinda Ambassador Farmhouses are situated in Trentino and run by the farming families who grow the famous Melinda apples.
In these farmhouses, time is paced by the rhythm of the seasons and by the work necessary to grow the famous Val di Non apple.
These families welcome their guests with open arms and a great desire to convey the values and passion that are at the heart of Melinda.
Here, you’ll be able to visit the farm, have a chat with the family, walk amid the apple orchards, have a snack with genuine home-made strudel and in autumn you can even pick apples from the trees and take them home with you!
Il nostro Agritur si trova nel Comune di Cis (TN). Il paese di Cis si distende sul basso altipiano stretto tra le Valli del torrente Barnés e del Noce. ...